First Advisory Board Meeting in London

Dinner with our advisory board.
On 18 December 2017, Refashioning the Renaissance Principal Investigator Paula Hohti and Project Administrator Piia Lempiäinen met the Advisory Board for the first time in London. After spending the autumn setting up practices, recruiting team members, and further developing theoretical framework of the project, end of the year was an excellent opportunity to present the project to the Advisory Board and hear their feedback for the project implementation and direction. Professor Evelyn Welch kindly hosted the meeting at King’s College London, with Professor Maria Hayward, Dr Susan North, Professor Ulinka Rublack, and Dr Tessa Storey present. Advisory Board members brought new insight, raised poignant questions, and shared their knowledge throughout the meeting. This inspiring exchange of ideas and concrete advice helped to strengthen our project structure and goals.
“Our Advisory Board, individually and as a group, has an amazing expertise across areas of early modern material culture and fashion, and we feel very privileged and lucky to be able work with them for the next couple of years.”
-Paula Hohti
After a fruitful meeting the Advisory Board continued discussions on Early Modern dress and fashion over dinner. “How blissful it is to sit together enjoying excellent food, and talk about how to sew ostrich feathers together”, Evelyn Welch sighed and voiced everyone’s thoughts.