Fulling Fun: Presenting Our Project to YLE News

Paula and Jane at work.
Last week we had the opportunity to present Refashioning the Renaissance project to YLE, Finnish broadcasting agency. We hosted the film crew at Aalto University, where Paula was interviewed for the TV news and web article, and Jane and Paula organised a mini-workshop on knitted caps. They showed how 16th century knitted caps were made, and processed to resemble velvet hats. The process includes fulling the caps by treading them in a soap water or beating them with wooden mallets, after which the nap is raised with tinsels.

Paula being interviewed.
After thew workshop Paula sat down with journalist Jonni Aromaa to chat about our project. She discussed renaissance dress, growing desire for new products and fashions, and our aims to develop new methods and experimental practices for research.
We are thrilled that YLE is interested in our project, and did – not one – but two thoughtful and well-made news stories about it. Unfortunately for international audience both the TV clip and web article are in Finnish, but at least you can all enjoy seeing Paula and Jane fulling.
Article published (in Finnish) at the YLE website.
To see what other media outlets have written about our project, have a look at the Media page.